21 Instagram Content Ideas for Homebuilders and Remodelers


In the digital age, a strong online presence is not just a marketing strategy; it's a testament to a business’s commitment to engaging with its audience and showcasing its expertise. For homebuilders and remodelers, Instagram offers a unique platform to visually communicate the breadth and depth of their work, from the drawing board to the final touches. Here are 21 content ideas designed to transform your Instagram feed into a compelling portfolio that captures the essence of your craftsmanship and innovation.

1. Transformative Tales Nothing captivates an audience like a dramatic before-and-after showcase. Make posts that visually chronicle the journey from the outdated or undeveloped to the polished and perfected, illustrating your ability to reimagine spaces spectacularly. For new home construction check out virtual staging to showcase your new builds even better.

2. Time-Lapse Triumphs Time-lapse videos offer a mesmerizing view of your project's evolution, compacting weeks or months of work into a few seconds. This content not only entertains but also highlights the meticulous detail and effort behind each project.

3. Voices of Satisfaction Integrate customer testimonials, whether through video snippets or quoted posts. Testimonials add authenticity to your brand. Happy clients are your best advocates, and their endorsements can significantly influence potential customers. Bring your smartphone with you to the closing table and ask the buyers for a quick video testimonial while their excitement is the highest.  

4. Behind the Blueprint Share behind-the-scenes content to humanize your brand and invite your audience into your world. From brainstorming sessions to construction hurdles, these glimpses reveal the hard work and dedication fueling each project.

5. DIY Decor Leverage your expertise to provide followers with DIY tips and tricks to foster a sense of community and trust. Simple, actionable advice not only adds value but positions you as a go-to resource in your field. 

6. Inspirational Interiors Curate posts of your projects, highlighting various design styles and trends. These posts serve as a source of inspiration for homeowners and design enthusiasts alike, showcasing your versatility and creative vision. And remember, you don't personally need to do all these posts. For this one, get your interior designer to make quarterly posts on upcoming trends or homes you just finished.

7. Team Spotlights Introduce your team members to personalize your brand. Give a shout out on birthdays, anniversaries, the birth of new family members, or jobs well done. Share stories about your architects, designers, and sub-contractors. Showing that you value everyone on your team builds a more relatable and trustworthy image in the eyes of potential customers.

8. Virtual Visions Posting 3D renders and blueprints of upcoming projects can excite and engage your audience, offering a glimpse into the future of home design and your innovative approach. It can also start them dreaming about their own custom home or remodel.

9. Direct Dialogues Host live Q&A sessions on Instagram to provide a direct line of communication with your audience. This allows you to address their questions in real-time and establish your expertise.

10. Material Matters Highlight the tools and materials you prefer to shed light on your commitment to quality and sustainability. Include information on the best products in the industry and why you choose them.

11. Green Building Emphasizing eco-friendly and sustainable practices in your projects demonstrates your responsibility towards environmental stewardship, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.

12. Creative Collaborations Feature your collaborations with interior designers, architects, and other professionals showcasing the strength of your network and your ability to work seamlessly with industry peers.

13. Giving Back Share stories of your involvement in community projects or charity work to illustrate your company's values beyond business, to foster goodwill and positive brand perception.

14. Expert Explanations Create tutorial videos or how-to guides for simple home maintenance or improvement projects to position your company as a helpful and knowledgeable industry leader.

15. Real-Life Reimaginations With permission, share your clients' stories—from the initial consultation to the final reveal. This allows followers to engage emotionally, making the transformative power of your work more relatable. Think about 100 Day Dream Homes on HGTV as inspiration (or any of those shows on HGTV, really.)

16. Trend Talks Offer insights into current homebuilding trends, new material innovations, or industry regulations to keep your audience informed and underscore your role as a thought leader.

17. Event Engagements Document your attendance or participation in industry events, trade shows, or workshops to not only highlight your active involvement in the professional community but also your commitment to staying abreast of the latest trends and technologies.

18. Celebrating Community Encourage and share user-generated content, such as your clients' own photos of your completed projects. This fosters a sense of community and engagement, making your feed more diverse and relatable.

19. Honors and Achievements Publicize awards and recognitions. Celebrate your successes and reassure potential clients of your expertise and the high quality of your work.

20. Polls and Preferences Engage your audience with interactive polls and surveys about design preferences or home features that can provide valuable insights while making your followers feel involved in the creative process.

21. Seasonal Strategies Offer maintenance tips tailored to the changing seasons. By addressing the practical concerns of homeownership you are providing value and reinforcing your commitment to client satisfaction beyond the build.

Incorporating these content ideas into your Instagram strategy can elevate your online presence, showcasing not just the end result of your projects but the passion, expertise, and community behind your brand. By engaging with your audience through a mix of informative, inspirational, and interactive content, you can build a lasting impression that transcends the digital space, driving visibility, and attracting new business in an industry that thrives on visual appeal and trust.

In a world where first impressions are increasingly formed online, letting your work speak for itself on Instagram is not just an option—it’s a necessity. As you navigate the age of information overload, remember that the key to standing out is not just in showing the final product but in telling the story behind it. Through strategic content creation, your Instagram feed can become a powerful tool in building visibility for your business, one post at a time. Do you do something else on Instagram? We'd love to hear about it. Write us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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